Bodhi Herschel Henry has over 25 years experience teaching the movement, music and meditation, emphasizing the daily practice of awareness, excellence and ease.




1982 - Authorized to Teach Tai Chi Chuan and Chi Kung by Michael Siegel, PT, Santa Cruz,   

CA, Teaching Disciple of Kai Ying Tung (Taichi) and Lily Siou (Chi Kung)

1982 - Licensed as Massage Therapist (California), certified in Kaylor Technique by Phil Kaylor,

Founder and Director, Nyama Institute of Holistic Healing, Santa Cruz, CA

1981 - Certified to Teach Tai Chi Chih® by Justin Stone, Creator of Tai Chi Chih, Joy Through

Movement®, Santa Cruz, CA

1980 - Journey through India, Nepal and the Tibetan Plateau

1971 - BA, The Development of Religious Consciousness, New College, Sarasota, FL

1970 - Initiation into the Zen Buddhist Sangha and Bodhisattva Vow by Roshi Philip Kapleau,

author of Three Pillars of Zen, Rochester, NY

1968 - Initiation into the Path of Chakra Yoga by Annayogi, Yogini, Sarasota, FL

1965 - Begin research and experimentation in religion, psychology & consciousness

Wake up.

Do well.