





Making Arrangements

A variety of Course formats is available.


Two Week Immersion
Newcomers are encouraged to choose a Course and try a Two Week Course Immersion of six Lessons over a two week period. Each Lesson is about 45 minutes to an hour, but may be shorter or longer depending upon the needs of the moment. Up to three Courses (total of 18 Lessons in two weeks) may be taken simultaneously.

Cost per Course $50

(2 Courses simultaneously $90; 3 Courses simultaneously$125)

Participants agree to practice on their own for 20 minutes per day for each Course


Six Weekly Lessons

A series of one lesson per week for six weeks is available for most Courses. Each Lesson is about 45 minutes to an hour, but may be shorter or longer depending upon the needs of the moment. Up to three Courses (total of 18 Lessons in two weeks) may be taken simultaneously.

Cost per Course $50

(2 Courses simultaneously $90; 3 Courses simultaneously$125)

Participants agree to practice on their own for 20 minutes per day for each Course


Workshops are available for any Course, or combination of any two or three Courses. Workshops usually last a half day (or an evening), with two ten-minute breaks. They include lecture, presentation, demonstration, par-ticipation and discussion. Handouts for review and further study are provided.

Cost per Workshop $20 per person

Weekend Workshops
Weekend Workshops are available for any Course, or combination of any two or three Courses. Meets from Friday 7.00p— 9.30p; Saturday 9.30a—12.30p and 1.30p—3.30p; Sunday 9.30a—12.30p. Includes lecture, presentation, demonstration, discussion and extended time for participation. Handouts for review and further study are provided.

Cost per Weekend Workshop $100 per person

Other Arrangements
Other arrangements for scheduling Course work may be made to suit the the individual or group.


Those interested in regular, continued study may ask to join Onami practice, which includes all necessary Lessons, Courses and Workshops.

Fee $100 per month


Wake up.

Do well.